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Cyber security trends to watch out for in 2023 – Part 1

Cyber security aims to protect businesses’ IT infrastructure from ever-growing threats and ensure their data, integrity, and availability.

With continuous technology advancements across the IT industry, unfortunately, the same advancements are also expected regarding cyber-attacks and the evolutions in malicious intent, hacks, ransomware and data breaches. But, to pre-empt and counter them, the same developments are occurring within cyber security services.

Let’s take a look at some of the latest cybersecurity trends for 2023:

1. Remote working cybersecurity risks
Employees who use unsecured networks and devices to perform their jobs, such as free wifi networks or home internet connections, leave gaps in cybersecurity for criminals to exploit. Significant security issues with working remotely include: ransomware (malware which blocks user access), weak passwords, file sharing, unsecured wifi (an employee using a personal wifi connection) and personal devices being used to connect to corporate systems. If your business needs to assess if your remote working environments are prone to security breaches, InReach can complete penetration testing and offer a range of products to assist with cyber security.

2.Mobile is the New Target:
It’s common for remote workers to use various mobile devices, such as tablets and phones, to collaborate remotely. This has resulted in an increase and evolution of mobile threats. Furthermore, 5G technology is in the process of being rolled out, which will create security vulnerabilities that must be patched as they are discovered. Mobile threats can range from spyware to SMS spam and data theft. As digital transformation accelerates, cybercriminals are looking for new ways to harm individuals and organisations, so cybersecurity issues continue to evolve. At InReach, we can provide a fully managed service, providing your business with 4g and 5g mobile internet solutions with proactive support. We will be on hand if your employees face mobile-based cyber threats.

3. Cloud is Also Potentially Vulnerable
Cybersecurity industry trends continue to focus on cloud vulnerability. As remote working became more prevalent following the pandemic, cloud-based services and infrastructure grew in necessity, along with related security implications. Cloud services have many benefits, including scalability, efficiency, and cost reduction, but they are also prime targets for attackers. Data breaches, unauthorised access and account hijacking are frequently caused by misconfigured cloud settings. As an accredited Microsoft Partner and Cloud Solutions provider, InReach has the in-house skills to deliver cost-effective, all-encompassing solutions while maintaining a high-security level.

4. Data Breaches
Data will continue to be a leading concern for organisations worldwide. Any minor flaw or bug in your system browser or software is a potential vulnerability for hackers to access personal information. New strict measures General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was enforced on May 25th 2018, offering data protection and privacy for individuals in the European Union(EU). At InReach, we can conduct security audits of your technical infrastructure, connectivity, software and data storage and risk assess each element. We outline the risks you face concerning your IT and plan the necessary actions to mitigate them. Our goal is to protect our clients from data breaches and get businesses back up and running as quickly as possible with minimum impact.

With infrastructure security a significant part of almost every organisation today, it would be an excellent choice to start their learning curve in cybersecurity today to become experts for tomorrow. Gear up with InReach’s cyber security services, who can provide a complete service from security audits to complete system backups, so your business is secure if the worst should happen. Get in touch with our team today.

Stay tuned next month for more cyber security trends which might appear in the new year!


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